Monday, August 4, 2008

Back Pain and Sciatica

Learning to live with back pain the past 8 years, trying to do what ever necessary to AVOID surgery, I am always on the lookout for a miracle "cure".

Of course I know there is not a miracle cure but I have found something that comes pretty darn close!

The Healthy Back Institute

Great free info and videos. If you decide to try any of their programs and you have a high speed internet connection, I highly recommend their online program.

Monday, July 7, 2008


I suffer from it and so does my daughter. I will try this one next time I have an attack and report back. Someone told me that when they are catching an asthma attack they open a bottle of honey and inhale the fumes! Simple as that. They say it helps relieve the symptoms and they can breathe easier.

Sore Throat

Here's something my old chemistry teacher in high school told me that I use every time I get a sore throat. I swear by this remedy! Take a teaspoon of salt and add it to two cups of lukewarm water. Simply gargle with this mixture twice a day (four if it's a bad one). Your sore throat will only last a day or two.

For other great natural home cures, try here.

Menstrual Cramps

It's said that an old-fashioned cure for menstrual cramps is to take a couple of tablespoons of thyme and to boil it in about 2 cups of water. Take this tea mixture and sweeten it naturally with some honey. Drink this and your cramps should disappear in a little while.

Cheap, Effective, Wart Treatment

A friend swears by the vinegar cure. When he gets a wart, which he is prone to, he soaks a cotton ball in vinegar and applies it to the wart for five minutes twice a day. He says that after about two weeks of this vinegar treatment, the wart is gone!

For other natural wart cures, check HERE.

Simple Salt Wound Cleanser

When we get a cut or abrasion we usually apply iodine to it to help kill germs and cleanse the wound. Well, if you are out of iodine are want to use what's already handy, try this little cleansing solution! Iodized salt is simply salt that has had iodine added to it. Add some iodized salt to water (dilute as needed). Apply this liquid to the wound. It will sting a little (or a lot if you didn't dilute properly).

Both the salt and the iodine will work to kill any bacteria around the wound. Clean, simple, and cheap!

Relieving a Sunburn

Here's a cure a reader from Florida suggested. If you are suffering from a sunburn, cover the burnt areas in milk of magnesia and let it dry. Once it's dry take a good shower to wash it off. This should give you some much needed relief for your burn. Oh yeah, next time use some good sunblock.

Got an Itch?

If you're feeling itchy here is an old fashioned cure. Take yourself an oatmeal bath! Get some oatmeal and puree it. Add two cups of this pureed oatmeal to your bath and mix it all up. Hop in and soak for about half an hour. This cure should relieve the itch quickly.

Click HERE for some other home remedies.

Treating a Cut or Abrasion

Vinegar is a natural astringent that can be used to treat cuts. It will help cleanse the cut as well as help the healing process. Do NOT apply vinegar directly to a cut or wound unless you want the person this is being done to give you a few cuts or abrasions. The vinegar should be diluted by added one part vinegar to three parts warm water. Apply this to the wound. It will sting a little but is a great, cheap cleanser!

For some other uses for vinegar, try here The Healing Powers of Vinegar, Revised and Updated.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Suggested Headache Remedy

A reader swears by this remedy. Dab some peppermint oil onto a cotton ball or paper towel and breathe in the scent for a little while. Be sure not to get any pure peppermint oil in contact with your skin as it may burn. Do this and she suggests the headache will melt away.

Going to have to try this one next headache!